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Data security notice

Data stolen from dena have been published illegally. A review is ongoing and those affected have been informed of the interim status of the review. Read more


Cyberangriff auf die dena

Cyberattack on dena’s server infrastructure – email and telephone service at dena disrupted. IT security measures have been taken. The dena press… Read more


GAP joins industry initiative

Being part of the FitFor55 package, the FuelEU Maritime Regulation will be key to support a fast and consequent decarbonisation of the maritime… Read more

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Global Alliance Powerfuels partners are advancing the market development of Powerfuels in German "Regulatory Sandboxes of Energiewende"

Global Alliance Powerfuels partners are advancing the market development of Powerfuels in German "Regulatory Sandboxes of Energiewende"

Federal Economics Minister Peter Altmaier recently announced the winners of the "Ideas competition for the Regulatory Sandboxes of Energiewende". In the 20 regulatory sandboxes throughout Germany, new hydrogen technologies will be researched on an industrial scale and in a real environment. Enertrag and Uniper, two members of the Global Alliance Powerfuels are involved in the implementation of the projects. read more

Powerfuels-Roundtable in Brussels, 17th June 2019: Roundup
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Powerfuels-Roundtable in Brussels, 17th June 2019: Roundup

The second roundtable of the Global Alliance Powerfuels titled Role of powerfuels in EU energy transition: The need for effective regulation took place in Brussels on 17th June. The official side event of the European Sustainable Energy week was attended by more than 80 international participants from around the world and several more joined through web-stream. read more


A New Horizon: The Role of powerfuels in the Global Energ

In September 2018, the German Energy Agency (dena) initiated the Global Alliance Powerfuels together with renowned corporate partners as founding members. Together with the international participants of the Berlin Energy Week, we will discuss the value of powerfuels in successfully implementing the energy transition around the world. Which new business opportunities will open up when renewable energy is traded globally? read more

Roundtable “A New Horizon: The Role of Powerfuels in the Global Energy Transition” – Summary
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Roundtable “A New Horizon: The Role of Powerfuels in the Global Energy Transition” – Summary

A New Horizon, the Role of powerfuels in the Global Energy Transition - this was the motto of a Global Alliance Powerfuels Roundtable held in Berlin on April 8, 2019. The timing and location could not have been better, as the event was aligned with the Berlin Energy Week, which brought together several thousand energy experts from all over the world in Berlin to discuss the challenges of the international energy transition. read more